Open Banking in Mexico: Current Landscape and Future Prospects

Hello friends! Let’s start with the basics about what the #$%”# is Open banking…

What is Open Banking?

In overly simplistic words, it’s a system that allows third-party financial service providers to access consumer banking, transactions, and other financial data through APIs, which is gaining traction globally. 

While countries like the UK and Australia have been early adopters, Mexico is now emerging as a significant player in this transformative financial technology landscape. I wrote this article to introduce you to the current state of open banking in Mexico, examining its adoption, regulatory environment, market dynamics, and prospects.


Open banking in Mexico is at a nascent yet promising stage. The country’s financial ecosystem is undergoing rapid digital transformation, driven by increasing internet penetration and a burgeoning e-commerce sector. According to Statista, the number of e-commerce users in Mexico is projected to grow by 55% by 2027, highlighting the potential for digital financial services.

In this context, the partnership between Yuno, a payments orchestration platform, and BBVA Group’s digital payments company, Openpay, is a significant development. This collaboration aims to simplify the online transaction process, thereby enhancing the user experience and promoting financial inclusion. As reported by The Fintech Times, Yuno’s platform offers over 300 payment methods and integrates features like one-click checkout and anti-fraud tools. At the same time, Openpay facilitates payments through various channels, including cards, bank transfers, and loyalty points.

Despite these advancements, Mexico is facing several challenges in adopting open banking. Consumer awareness and trust in data-sharing mechanisms remain low, similar to the issues observed in Australia’s open banking landscape. According to a report, only 0.3% of Australian banking customers actively use data-sharing options, compared to over 10% in the UK and EU. This indicates that Mexico must address similar hurdles to achieve widespread adoption.

Moreover, the regulatory framework in Mexico is evolving to support open banking initiatives. The Mexican government has promoted financial technology proactively, as evidenced by the Fintech Law, which provides a legal foundation for fintech companies to operate. However, continuous efforts are required to streamline regulations and foster a competitive environment encouraging innovation and consumer protection.

While open banking in Mexico is still in its early stages, the country’s digital literacy and growing e-commerce market present a fertile ground for its development. Strategic partnerships, regulatory support, and consumer education will be crucial in driving the adoption and success of open banking in Mexico.

Current State of Open Banking in Mexico

Regulatory Framework

The regulatory framework for open banking in Mexico is primarily governed by the Fintech Law, officially known as the “Ley para Regular las Instituciones de Tecnología Financiera” (Law to Regulate Financial Technology Institutions), which was enacted in March 2018. This law sets the foundation for open banking by setting the “game rules” for financial institutions to share customer data with third-party providers (TPPs) through standardized APIs, provided they have customer consent. The National Banking and Securities Commission (CNBV) oversees the implementation and compliance of these regulations (CNBV).

Implementation and Adoption

The adoption of open banking in Mexico has been gradual but steady. According to a report by the CNBV, as of 2023, approximately 60% of the major banks in Mexico have implemented open banking APIs. This includes leading financial institutions such as BBVA Mexico, Banorte, and Santander Mexico. These banks have developed APIs that allow third-party providers to access customer data, enabling a range of services from account aggregation to payment initiation (BBVA, Banorte, Santander).

Market Dynamics

The open banking ecosystem in Mexico is characterized by a diverse range of participants, including traditional banks, fintech startups, and technology providers. Fintech companies such as Kueski, Konfio, and Clip have been at the forefront of leveraging open banking to offer innovative financial products and services. These companies use open banking APIs to access customer data, which allows them to provide personalized lending, payment solutions, and financial management tools (Kueski, Konfio, Clip).

Consumer Awareness and Trust

Consumer awareness and trust are critical factors influencing the adoption of open banking in Mexico. A 2023 survey by the Mexican Association of Fintech (AMFE) revealed that only 35% of consumers know about open banking and its benefits. However, among those who are aware, 70% expressed a willingness to use open banking services if they are assured of data security and privacy (AMFE).

Current Technological Infrastructure

The technological infrastructure supporting open banking in Mexico is evolving rapidly. Standardized APIs, as mandated by the Fintech Law, ensure interoperability between different financial institutions and third-party providers. Additionally, adopting cloud computing and advanced data analytics enhances the efficiency and scalability of open banking platforms. Companies like FlowX.AI play a crucial role in this transformation by providing agile solutions that can be implemented quickly and cost-effectively (FlowX.AI).

Challenges and Opportunities


  1. Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring compliance with the Fintech Law and other regulatory requirements is a significant challenge for financial institutions. The regulations’ complexity and the need for continuous updates to stay compliant can be resource-intensive.
  2. Data Security and Privacy: Protecting customer data from breaches and ensuring privacy is paramount. Financial institutions must invest in robust cybersecurity measures to safeguard sensitive information.
  3. Consumer Trust: Building trust in open banking services is essential for widespread adoption. Financial institutions and fintech companies must work together to educate consumers about the benefits and security measures in place.


  1. Financial Inclusion: Open banking has the potential to enhance financial inclusion by providing underserved populations with access to financial services. Fintech companies can leverage open banking APIs to offer tailored financial products to these segments.
  2. Innovation: The open banking framework fosters innovation by enabling fintech startups to develop new and improved financial services. This can lead to increased competition and better offerings for consumers.
  3. Operational Efficiency: Financial institutions can streamline their operations and reduce costs by adopting open banking. Standardized APIs and advanced technologies can also enhance efficiency and improve customer experiences.

Case Studies

BBVA Mexico

BBVA Mexico has been a pioneer in implementing open banking. The bank has developed a comprehensive suite of APIs that allow third-party providers to access customer data for various services, including account aggregation and payment initiation. BBVA’s open banking platform has enabled the bank to offer personalized financial products and improve customer engagement (BBVA).


Konfio, a leading fintech company in Mexico, has leveraged open banking to provide small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with access to credit. By using open banking APIs, Konfio can more accurately assess SMEs’ creditworthiness and offer tailored lending solutions. This has significantly improved the accessibility of credit for SMEs in Mexico (Konfio).

Future Outlook

The future of open banking in Mexico looks promising, with continued regulatory support and increasing adoption by financial institutions and fintech companies. The CNBV is expected to introduce further regulations to enhance the open banking framework, including data security and consumer protection measures. Additionally, technological advancements, such as artificial intelligence and blockchain, will likely drive further innovation in the open banking ecosystem.

In conclusion, while there are challenges to overcome, the current state of open banking in Mexico presents significant opportunities for financial institutions, fintech companies, and consumers. The continued evolution of the regulatory framework, technological infrastructure, and market dynamics will play a crucial role in shaping the future of open banking in the country.

Challenges and Barriers to Adoption

Regulatory Hurdles

One of the primary challenges to adopting open banking in Mexico is the regulatory environment. While the Mexican government has made strides in establishing a regulatory framework, the pace of regulatory changes can take time and effort. Financial institutions often find themselves in a constant flux, trying to keep up with new regulations while also attempting to innovate. This regulatory burden can divert resources away from developing new products and services, thereby stifling innovation. According to Finextra, regulatory compliance is a significant driver away from innovation, a disappointing revelation for many in the industry.

The technological infrastructure required for open banking is another significant barrier. Many financial institutions in Mexico still rely on legacy systems incompatible with modern open banking APIs. Transitioning to a more flexible, cloud-based infrastructure is costly and time-consuming. This technological lag can hinder the seamless integration of third-party services, a cornerstone of open banking. 

Consumer Trust and Awareness

Consumer trust and awareness are critical for the success of open banking. In Mexico, there needs to be more awareness about what open banking entails and how it can benefit consumers. This lack of understanding can lead to mistrust, especially when sharing financial data with third parties. Financial institutions need to invest in educational campaigns to inform consumers about the benefits and security measures associated with open banking. Without consumer buy-in, the adoption rate will remain low, regardless of technological and regulatory advancements.

Competitive Landscape

The competitive landscape in Mexico also challenges the adoption of open banking. Traditional banks are often reluctant to share their customer data with fintech companies, fearing a loss of competitive advantage. This reluctance can create a fragmented market where only a few players dominate, thereby limiting the overall growth and innovation in the sector. Smaller banks and fintech companies may find competing difficult, as they need more resources to invest in the necessary technology and regulatory compliance.

Data Security and Privacy Concerns

Data security and privacy are paramount concerns for both consumers and financial institutions. The fear of data breaches and unauthorized access to sensitive financial information can deter consumers from embracing open banking. Financial institutions must implement robust security measures to protect consumer data, but this comes at a cost. The investment required for advanced cybersecurity measures can be prohibitive for smaller institutions, creating a barrier to entry into the open banking ecosystem.

Interoperability Issues

Interoperability between different financial systems and platforms is another significant challenge. For open banking to be successful, there needs to be a seamless flow of data between various financial institutions and third-party providers. However, achieving this level of interoperability is easier said than done. Different institutions may use different standards and protocols, making it difficult to integrate systems. This lack of standardization can lead to inefficiencies and increased costs, further hindering the adoption of open banking.

Investment and Resource Allocation

Allocating resources for developing and implementing open banking initiatives is a significant challenge for many financial institutions. The initial investment required to upgrade technological infrastructure, ensure regulatory compliance, and implement robust security measures can be substantial. Smaller banks and fintech companies may need help allocating the necessary resources, limiting their ability to participate in the open banking ecosystem. 

Cultural Resistance

Cultural resistance within financial institutions can also hinder the adoption of open banking. Traditional banks may resist change, preferring to stick with established practices rather than embrace new, innovative approaches. This resistance can stem from various factors, including fear of the unknown, a lack of understanding of the benefits of open banking, and concerns about the potential risks involved. Overcoming this cultural resistance requires a concerted effort from leadership to foster a culture of innovation and openness to change.

Lack of Standardization

The need for standardization in open banking APIs and protocols can create significant challenges for financial institutions and third-party providers. Integrating different systems can be complex and time-consuming without standardized APIs, leading to inefficiencies and increased costs. Standardization is crucial for ensuring interoperability and seamless data flow between different platforms. However, achieving this level of standardization requires collaboration and coordination among various stakeholders, which can be challenging to achieve.

Economic Factors

Economic factors can also influence the adoption of open banking in Mexico. Economic instability and uncertainty can make financial institutions hesitant to invest in new technologies and initiatives. During times of economic downturn, institutions may prioritize cost-cutting measures and focus on maintaining their core operations rather than investing in innovative projects like open banking. This economic caution can slow down the adoption rate and limit the overall growth of the open banking ecosystem.

The adoption of open banking in Mexico faces several challenges and barriers, ranging from regulatory hurdles and technological infrastructure to consumer trust and competitive dynamics. Addressing these challenges requires a multi-faceted approach involving regulatory reforms, technological upgrades, consumer education, and collaboration among various stakeholders. By overcoming these barriers, Mexico can unlock the full potential of open banking, driving innovation and improving financial services for consumers and businesses alike.

Future Prospects and Opportunities in Open Banking in Mexico

Regulatory Evolution and Support

The regulatory landscape in Mexico is evolving to support the growth of open banking. Through the National Banking and Securities Commission (CNBV), the Mexican government has been proactive in establishing a framework that encourages innovation while ensuring consumer protection. Enacted in 2018, the Fintech Law laid the groundwork for open banking by mandating security standards for financial institutions willing to share customer data with third-party providers through standardized APIs. This regulatory support fosters a competitive and innovative financial ecosystem (CNBV).

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Technological Advancements

Technological advancements are pivotal in shaping the future of open banking in Mexico. Adopting advanced technologies such as blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML) is expected to enhance open banking platforms’ security, efficiency, and scalability. For instance, blockchain technology can provide a secure and transparent way to manage and share financial data, reducing fraud risk and enhancing stakeholders’ trust (Accenture).

Market Expansion and New Entrants

The open banking market in Mexico is poised for significant expansion, driven by the entry of new fintech companies and the diversification of services offered by existing players. The competitive landscape is expected to intensify as more companies leverage open banking to offer innovative financial products and services. This competition will likely lead to better customer experiences, lower costs, and increased financial inclusion. Notable new entrants include companies like Fondeadora and Albo, which are leveraging open banking to offer digital banking solutions (Fondeadora, Albo).

Enhanced Customer Experience

Open banking has the potential to significantly enhance customer experience by providing more personalized and convenient financial services. By leveraging customer data, financial institutions can offer tailored products and services that meet the specific needs of individual customers. This personalization can lead to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty. Additionally, open banking can streamline the customer journey by integrating various financial services into a single platform, making it easier for customers to manage their finances (BBVA).

Financial Inclusion

One of the most promising opportunities open banking presents in Mexico is the potential to enhance financial inclusion. By providing access to financial services through digital platforms, open banking can reach underserved populations, including those in rural areas and those without traditional banking relationships. This can help bridge the financial inclusion gap and give more people access to credit, savings, and other financial services. Initiatives like the digital wallet CoDi, launched by the Bank of Mexico, are examples of efforts to promote financial inclusion through open banking (Bank of Mexico).

Collaboration and Partnerships

Collaboration between traditional financial institutions and fintech companies is expected to play a crucial role in the future of open banking in Mexico. Partnerships can enable banks to leverage the technological expertise of fintech companies, while fintechs can benefit from the established customer base and regulatory knowledge of traditional banks. Such collaborations can drive innovation and create a more dynamic financial ecosystem. Examples of successful partnerships include the cooperation between BBVA and the fintech company Openpay, which has resulted in the development of new payment solutions (Openpay).

Data Security and Privacy

As open banking continues to evolve, ensuring data security and privacy will be paramount. Financial institutions and fintech companies must invest in robust cybersecurity measures to protect customer data from breaches and unauthorized access. Compliance with data protection regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Mexico’s Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, will be essential to maintain customer trust and confidence in open banking services (GDPR, INAI).

Economic Impact

The economic impact of open banking in Mexico is expected to be substantial. By fostering competition and innovation, open banking can drive economic growth and create new job opportunities in the fintech sector. Additionally, increased financial inclusion can lead to greater economic participation and improved financial well-being for individuals and businesses. According to a report by the Inter-American Development Bank, adopting open banking could contribute significantly to the GDP of Latin American countries, including Mexico (IDB).

Future Innovations

The future of open banking in Mexico will likely be characterized by continuous innovation. Emerging technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and 5G connectivity could further transform the financial services landscape by enabling new use cases and enhancing the delivery of financial services. For example, IoT devices could facilitate seamless and secure payments, while 5G connectivity could improve the speed and reliability of financial transactions. Financial institutions and fintech companies must stay abreast of these technological advancements to remain competitive and capitalize on new opportunities (World Economic Forum).

A few words before you go…

The prospects and opportunities for open banking in Mexico are vast and multifaceted. With supportive regulations, technological advancements, market expansion, and a focus on enhancing customer experience and financial inclusion, open banking is set to transform the economic landscape in Mexico. Collaboration between traditional financial institutions and fintech companies, along with a strong emphasis on data security and privacy, will be key to realizing the full potential of open banking. As the ecosystem evolves, continuous innovation will be essential to drive growth and create a more inclusive and dynamic financial system.

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